JAN 27
Paige Macy: @stripe_cult_painting
Photos by: @ashxharris
We are blown away with the creative and unique mind that Paige possesses, as well as the way she lives her life.
She owns her own business ‘Stripe Cult Painting’ where she creates the most unique and custom pieces for her clients. The Stripe Cult has been around for 4 years. She paints it all - motorcycles, helmets, coolers, mini fridges, even mannequins. If you have something you want painted, or have an idea of how you want it done, she will make it happen, and she will make it come to life better than you could have ever imagined.
Outside of work Paige enjoys many other activities; motorcycles of course, both dirt and street. You can find her cooking for her friends and boyfriend, camping, snowboarding, or climbing. She never passes up a good adventure.
We sat down with Paige to get to know her a bit more, find out how she got into riding, and how she decided to start her own business. Time to meet this badass babe.
Q: How long have you been riding and what bike do you ride?
Paige: I have been riding for about 8 years! I have a Honda CR230 dirt bike, a ‘01 1200 Harley Sporty named Becky and the newest addition to my family. A ‘98 Harley FXD Dyna named Big Jim, and boy he is big.
Q: What made you decide you wanted to start riding? How did you go about it?
Paige: When Jessica and I were roommates about 8 years ago, we moved in next to The Salt City Builds boys (Seth and Rev). Jess and the boys had a huge part in me wanting to get a bike. Seth and Rev helped me get my first bike, which was a Kawasaki Z650 and they taught me how to ride that badboy.
Q: Do you feel like getting a motorcycle changed your life? What does riding mean to you?
Paige: Yes, completely. It has become my way of life, a lifestyle if you will. Riding is something that makes me beyond happy and gave me a sense of freedom I never felt before.
Q: Do you have any advice for women who are thinking about buying a motorcycle?
Paige: Sometimes if you think too much about doing anything, you’ll talk yourself out of it. If it’s something that you have thought about multiple times and can’t get it out of your head it’s not only something you want, but probably something you need in your life. My advice to any women thinking about buying a motorcycle is: Just do it, you gotta full send. You’ll thank yourself afterword.
Q: How did you get into painting and how love have you been doing it?
Paige: I’ve been into it painting my whole life, before I started automotive projects I did a lot of acrylic and oil art. It’s always been a love and passion of mine and will be until the day I die. I started learning automotive painting though, when the boys from Salt City Builds asked me to start painting and doing jobs for bikes that they were working on. When they asked me to start doing that the first thing I said was “I can quit my job!” So that’s exactly what I did. Got my first project and shortly after that, Stripe Cult Painting was born, 4 years ago this month.
Q: What has owning and running your own business been like?
Paige: It’s so amazing owning your own business, but being a one lady show and your own boss does get hectic. It does come with a lot of real pressures. I mean, if you f*ck something up you don’t get a warning or fired, you run risk of ruining your own name. I have always been a painter, so learning how to be that, as well as a business women has definitely been a learning process. Owning my own business I am constantly learning new things, it’s like I am on a never ending ladder. There is always something to be learned. With the crazy ups and downs you go through as a business owner, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I believe that working for yourself is the best way to work, my work is my passion it’s majority of what I think about. Even when I’m not at my shop working, I literally bring projects home with me - do a little taping while I’m hanging out in the family room because it’s something that I enjoy so much.
Q: What advice do you have for other women who might be wanting to start a business or venture of their own?
Paige: I up and quit my job and jumped straight into it, which I don’t necessarily recommend. I mean it’s clearly worked out for me, but it has been quite an intense, crazy and long process to get to where I am today. My advice to any of you ladies wanting to start something of you own is baby steps. Come up with your end goal and always keep that in the back of your mind. Then start with the things you know and can handle, as the road blocks and learning curves come along, tackle them one at a time.
Q: Do you have any life philosophies that you live by?
Paige: I’m trying to think, I’ve never really thought about it. I guess it would be “just f*ck it”. If it doesn’t work out or you fail at something just say f*ck it, get back up, stronger than you were before and get after it. If you keep putting in the work your dreams will happen.